Category Archives: Insights

insight – You are Love

Sometimes we need a reminder of who we really are. So I’m here to remind you that your essence is love and there isn’t anything you can do, or say, or think that can change that. Sometimes we start beating up on ourselves because of guilt or shame or whatever, and believe we are the exception to the rule. But there are no exceptions. Each one of us is love… pure love. Our egos will arrogantly argue that this cannot be true, but it is a feeble attempt to convince us of our unworthiness. Not one of us is powerful enough to change the Divine design. You cannot change who you are at your core. So try affirming: “I am the essence of love”. Then forgive yourself. Forgive others. And move on.

Follow Your Bliss

Joseph Campbell’s famous words “Follow Your Bliss” have been an inspiration to me from the first time I heard them many years ago.

 So what’s my bliss?
Spending time with like-minded, leading-edge explorers who want to stretch beyond the current cultural paradigm.
Teaching self-empowerment to open-minded, heart-centered individuals who are eager to follow their inner guidance.
Challenging those I work with to live from the truth of who they are and to do the same for myself.
Feeling the energy of Source as it powerfully flows through me to the outer world, which I sense as a deep connection with Nature and other spiritual beings who are having a human experience. 

It’s all about being in the flow of loving, nurturing, dynamic and creative energy. It just doesn’t get any better than that for me!