Insight – Micro-soft Words

Micro-soft words … is a description of how our Spirit communicates with us. Our Spirit has a very soft “voice” that whispers in the background of our minds, guiding us to the best perspective or action at any given moment. Its words often go unheard when our minds are racing or engaged in multi-tasking.  But the inner messages are there, like soulful music playing at a low volume throughout the day.  We may be shopping or at a restaurant and suddenly noticed the song on the sound system. Even though the ambient music was playing continuously, it wasn’t until we turned our attention to it that we heard the lyrics.

Learning to be intuitive is simply choosing to listen to our Spirit’s ever present communications that offer love and support. The more we tune our attention to the subtle messages, the clearer they become. “Turn here”; “Don’t go there”; “Take a chance”; “You are loved.”  Sometimes the message is obvious and gives us confidence in moving forward with an action plan. Other times the words are surprising, like when we are being guided to move in a new direction.  But the more we listen, the more we understand the language that our Spirit uses to nudge us forward or to encourage us to take a break.

Quieting our minds through relaxation or meditation helps us hear the inner dialogue.  When I want to tune into my intuition, I find a quiet place where I will not be interrupted. Then I sit upright in a comfortable chair and close my eyes. Next, I take a few deep breaths and allow my thoughts to slow down. Letting go of all worries in the moment provides an opportunity for the gentle words of my Spirit to come into my awareness. I can ask a question or just wait to see if a message comes through. There is no need for me to rush the process or to work toward some specific outcome.

Relaxing my mind is a way of letting my Spirit know that I am ready to listen. It opens the channel for a dialogue to begin. Some days my “hearing” is better than others, but I show up ready and willing to keep the conversation alive. Like sending a text to my best friend, I hope that the network connection is strong enough for me to receive a response. When I focus my awareness on our enduring relationship, I know that it is.