Insight – Abundance is our Inheritance

Does our ability to prosper depend on people or events outside of ourselves? In most cases people would agree that it does. But believing that others hold our fate in their hands, denies our innate freedom. Our natural response then is to feel trapped. Feeling fear, anger, resentment, or frustration is an indication that we are holding onto thoughts that our inner being knows is not true. It is this false story that we tell ourselves that causes the emotional pain. Does it make sense that brilliant Source energies that have created  the entire Universe and continue to flow through us and all living things, would have only a handful of options to support us? Of course not. The limitations exist only in our own minds.

No one has the ability to withhold our good from us. If a channel of funding goes away, it doesn’t have to affect our prosperity unless we focus our attention on it and use it as an excuse to shut down our creativity and ingenuity. Time after time we read stories of individuals who rise above their seemingly limited circumstances. How do they do that? They believe in themselves. And they know the Universe has their back.

To access our abundance we need to remember we are loved and that the ability to prosper is within us. As we focus our attention more and more on the good that is already flowing to us, a myriad of possibilities opens up in our lives. Abundance flows to us when we allow ourselves to receive such blessings as: inspiration, guidance, and assistance.

Many years ago, I was feeling the pressure of too much money going out and not enough money coming in. It was during the holidays, and we had many gifts to buy for family and friends. At that point I was inspired to practice the mantra, “I am the daughter of a King.” Every time I felt the stress of not enough money, I would repeat to myself, “I am the daughter of a King” until I felt relief. A part of me, my inner being, knows that I am created from spiritual energy more powerful than any financial situation I might find myself in. Tapping into the knowledge that I am spiritually connected to Source energy, shifted my limited mindset. With this lighter perspective, the possibilities for abundance expanded. On Christmas morning, our family received a generous gift that allowed us to pay for all the presents that we gave away that year.

What did I learn from the experience? That abundance is our inheritance. It  doesn’t play favorites. It is for each one of us. Abundance doesn’t flow to those who want it or need it. It flows to those who are open to it. And to be open, we have to believe we are worthy of it. That’s the secret. We need to really feel our worthiness. We are the sons and daughters of a King… And the Universe always has our back.