Insight- A Receptive Mindset

What does it mean to be in a receptive mindset? It means that we are willing to put aside our ego-influenced thoughts in exchange for a softer, more allowing attitude. Willing to be open-minded and accepting of input from other sources. Willing to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and we could benefit from additional information or insights. Willing to change our perceptions to see things differently than we have habitually been seeing them. Willing to allow others to assist or support us in meaningful ways.

Being open to receive, as a receptive mindset implies, does not mean that we give up our right to decide what is best for us. It does not mean that we have lost our freedom to think things through or to have the final say in how we move forward. It simply means that we are willing to be open to new possibilities.

It shifts us into allowing intuitive information to flow to us from a broader perspective… one that has a vision of our lives that is more expansive and engaging than we are currently experiencing. A vision that is in alignment with our inner wisdom and our purpose for being here. A vision that encourages us to be what we are inspired to be at our core.

Being open to receive is a place of power as it fills us with the knowledge that we are connected to an invisible support system that loves and nurtures us. As we let go of our need to control the events of our lives, we allow ourselves to receive guidance and assistance from physical and nonphysical beings alike. From there, we are able to make better choices in the moment and to experience the prosperous lives that are waiting for us.

In my experience, being open to receive is where the magic happens. When my attitude is expectant and receptive, my life opens up to amazing synchronicities… friends show up, beneficial opportunities appear, creative ideas flow, and unexpected resources surprise and delight me. I am able to easily connect with exactly what I am looking for – whether it is solutions to problems, insights for blogs or products, people to support me, or just fun places to visit. I have learned that I don’t need to know it all, I just need to connect with the stream of knowledge and well-being that does, and everything that I want shows up. Starting each day with the intention to be in a receptive mindset is my secret, and now it can be yours.